
Projects I'm working on


Sound Design & Audio Implementation - Freelance for Red Thread Games

Lead a band of misfits and outcasts on a thrilling road-trip across a Divided States of America. A story-driven action-adventure about hope, love, friendship, robots…and the power of words. 

Learn more at the offisial website.

Work I have done


Sound Design & Audio Implementation: Unreal Engine - Student project

In this psychological thriller you are a lone prisoner sentenced to work on an isolated space station. However, the extreme passing of time starts to deteriorate your mental stability. Struggling to separate dreams from reality, your imprisoned existence spirals into a cascade of dreadful events as your own mind becomes your worst enemy.

All sounds for this project were implemented in Unreal Engine 4 using the built in audio engine.

You can download it here for Windows and try it yourself, or watch a playthrough of it on youtube!


Sound Design, Music and Audio Implementation: Unity & FMOD - Gamejam

You're Meowpurr the Grim Reaper.

You and your brother Charon needs to collect some souls in order to complete the task of the evening, and deliver them to their new home.

Navigate through a colorful forest to find lost animal souls, and help them find peace in order for the souls to move on.

You can download it here for Windows and try it yourself.

Just Roll With It

Sound Design & Audio Implementation: Unity & FMOD - Gamejam

Deliver Gachapon capsules up the mountain to the Gachapon God.

It's a tough job, but someone has to do it. Just roll with it.

Oh and take out a few crabs on the way up, they've been taking over the mountain lately. I'll give you some points for it. :)

The more points you get, the longer you have to roll! Keep it up!

You can download it here for Windows and try it yourself.

Unreal Engine - Basic Audio Setup

This is just a short video of me going through some basic audio setup for a project using only the Unreal Audio Engine powered by Metasounds.

Going through ambience setup, footstep switching and some basic metasounds.

Forgotten Memories

Sound Design, Music, Audio Implementation, Game Dev, Art:

Unreal Engine & Wwise - Student project

This is a small game I made with Unreal Engine and implemented the audio using Wwise. Made to showcase my skills as a sound designer aswell as my ability to use Unreal Engine and implement audio using Wwise.

You can download it here for Windows and try it yourself.


Sound Design & Audio Implementation: Unity & Wwise - Gamejam

Icebear has gotten some news of some lost people in the BEARmuda triangle!

The goal of the game (not explained in game), is to save people from the ocean by hoisting them up in your boat, giving them icecream from your icecream venue, and then building a house for them!

You can download it here for Windows and try it yourself.


Sound Design, Music, Audio Implementation, Leveldesign:

Unity & FMOD - Gamejam

This game were the result of my first gamejam. I made all the sound design, wrote the music, implemented the audio and did some leveldesign.

You can play it on by going here!

Untitled Baseball Game

Sound Design - Gamemaker

A fun little baseball game I made sound for. No plans on release yet.

All sounds are playing in engine. 

Sound Redesign - Metro Exodus

Linear Sound Redesign

Linear sound redesign of a tailer for the game Metro Exodus

Gameaudio Reel July 2021

Linear Sound Redesign

A small compilation of redesigns I made in July 2021.

Forgotten Memories

Project walkthrough Part 1

A short video explaning how I made the radio from my demo project Forgotten Memories using Unreal Engine and Wwise.

Death Stranding Trailer

Linear Sound Redesign & Music

I made a complete sound redesign and new music for one of the Death Stranding trailers.


I do make music aswell! you can check out my Soundcloud if you are interested in listening.

I have a background in electronic music and traditional music production, but I mostly enjoy making dark cinematic stuff or simple and funny tunes.